Three weeks to go!
05 October Well, this past week has been a tad manic. On Saturday evening I finished my last ever shift in work which was far more emotional that I had anticipated! I was greeted with flowers, a card & a mahoosive cookie and lots of hugs. I was fortunate to work with an amazing bunch of people and I will truly miss them.
The cookie is literally the size of a dinner plate. (:
On Sunday I had a nice lazy day, chilled out and started to mull over the many lists TJ and I have started to compile. We had started to think of all the different things we needed to do with regards to the house, like cancelling all our direct debits and informing other people of our departure.
So my lovely notebook was abused with lists of people, places to visit and things to buy.
My very special list making notebook
One of the things on the TO-DO list was to tackle the attic. Now, our house is small, the attic is only over the space of two rooms with a shallow slanted roof so to be honest it isn't a big space. So it couldn't hold that much stuff, right? Holy crap were we wrong.
Let me just elaborate by saying that TJ is 100% a hoarder. He's a film maker so he collects random crap and calls it a 'prop' then puts it in the attic and never looks at it again. Even the things he doesn't want as props he just keeps anyway!
Take this fine TalkTalk router for instance. We discovered it in the attic WITH this post-it attached. He knew it didn't work and yet stuck it into storage anyways?! His obscure man-logic baffles me...
This was before we started. Yup, that's a toy crane. One of two actually... and that yellow bucket? It had a massive split in it. Obviously.
We're tidy people, honest...
SO, two days of shifting boxes, lugging bin bags full of junk and multiple trips to the dump and the charity shops we have finally made some headway into the space.
We had a lot of stuff to move. Thankfully, some of the space in the attic was taken up by a load of empty boxes we'd used to move into this house and we'd actually had the forethought to keep them. Go team us!
Here's our little faces on the last dump run of the day. One room down, five to go. We may not be smiling by the end of all this, so we'll document it while it lasts!
On the bright side, we've made a good way through our to-do list with regards to cancelling stuff.
For anyone looking to move here are some things to take into consideration for cancelling before you leave:
Council Tax
Water Tax
Internet/Phone Line
Notice to Landlord
Mailing lists
Water Tax
Internet/Phone Line
Notice to Landlord
Mailing lists
On to the next TO-DO!
Until next time,